Friday, February 27, 2009

||Side A + Side B

A: The end of the beginning.

Is it just me, or the title sounds like something coming out from a chapter title from a fiction novel?

It is, yes, the end of the beginning. At least, for me. Let's look at it in a gamer's point of view-- I've just finished the boss battle at level 3. It's just the end of the beginning. I'm bound to fight more devilish bosses, gawdemmit.

If I were to really describe the whole second semester according to my academic performance, I'd definitely say it was mediocre. Yeah. I could do so much better. Sometimes I hate myself and ask so many times if I have done enough, studied enough, and all that sh*t. I feel intimidated whenever I see someone not studying and yet that person gets better grades than I do. Am I that much of an idiot?

Damn. Or maybe I'm trying too hard. Maybe I don't need to exert too much effort because all it does is give me headaches, thus giving me less brainpower, thus giving me lower grades.

F*ck grades. I don't really need them-- I need knowledge that I could really use.

What use is a 99 in a badass diffifult subject if you're not gonna use what you've learned, anyway?
Bitter? Nah. I've got so many other things I can be proud of.

B: I can't friggin' help it,I'm starting to like cheesy things!


I hate it yet I like it so much, I don't want it but I can't get enough of it.
I'm even enjoying romantic movies so much now. Can't help but be giggly. Isn't that so... full of crap? Last night I was watching this movie, Chocolat, and I couldn't stop myself from saying "damn", everytime Johnny Depp starts to speak. I couldn't help but sigh and say, "Aww..." while watching Slumdog Millionaire. And I can't help but swoon at Hugh Jackman on Kate and Leopold. Damnit, why, oh why am I starting to like cheesy stuff?

Did I mention that I'm looking for a copy of Enchanted, just 'cause... Well, Patrick Dempsey is just so cute there. *girly mode.*

I really really should finish some drawings for Artifact Wars . I've been on it for half a year now, probably.

*runs off, ashamed*

Thursday, February 19, 2009

|| Brain Damage. Hihee. ; ]

bohahah. I just can't stop watching this one.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Maybe I just rolled around too much and ended waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

Nothing interesting about my day except that I ate weird food and I watched 2 minutes of fushigi yuugi.


I'm going to just talk and talk and talk about all the unusual food I ate today.
And I ate garbanzos with tofu for the first time today. I thought it just tasted like munggo sprouts only that it's... green and weirdly shaped, but my mom can cook great-tasting food so it's okay, I guess...

But nothing's better than the sugar-free turon my mom cooked for an afternoon snack. Mmm.

Then there's that sun-dried milkfish my aunt made, and they just had to eat it for dinner. I must say, the taste was a bit... strange, so I decided to eat the buttered fish fillet instead. Weird food is the theme of the day!

I'm starting to kinda miss my *cat* meow~
I know it's just one day, but, yeah. Hahah. *hell what am I saying?!*


My sister pressed the channel button on the TV and switched to...fushigi yuugi.


Miaka Yuuki Pictures, Images and Photos

That innocent-looking girl is absolutely up to no good.

then my sister suddenly reacts "Oh sh*t what the hell is he doing?! " as he looks at the good-looking anime character take his shirt off to hug the frisky girl... because he-- thinks it would help.

I can sum the whole story up with just 3 sentences:

(1)Best friends are fighting over a dirty but gorgeous brusko guy, but the less appealing girl gets raped and the other... well, likes to get into situations that would get her raped.

(2)Frisky girl just wants to do it with gorgeous brusko guy (who's starting to look less and less gorgeous every episode).

(3) Brusko guy and frisky girl do frisky things in the end.

OH NO, Porn! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

*covers eyes with hands*

'nuff bout that. I'll just finish my articles now.

Friday, February 6, 2009

'tis been so long...

Since I last made another blog post. I've been so friggin' busy lately. Or maybe I just feel like procrastinating.

is the " 'tis" part right? Ah, I need need need to...uh... rightclick>refresh my brain.

I just read this story from my most favorite author, and he talked about friendship.

And it is kinda right to say that, yeah, we are truly evil if we're actually capable of leaving our friends.

So it kinda means that the title on this blog is completely inappropriate, eh?

I really can't leave my friends behind. It feels like hell to be left behind. Trust me, I've been through it.

I'm a person who's highly dependent on the existence of other people. No, I don't leech off on whatever they have; I just need to be around people. I absolutely could not live without talking to anyone the whole day.

I may not be THAT evil, after all.

anyway, talkin' 'bout friends...

I'm feeling thankful today. For no reason. But there's no need to find reasons to thank the people you love, right? If only I could, I'd give them everything they wanted-- they've given me so much and I'm forever grateful to them.