Saturday, September 13, 2008

||This just might be the perfect reply


now that you've got the perfect love letter, what about the perfect reply? ; ]
(posting on two blogs is just too much fun.)

(insert your own name here)

All this time I thought you didn't need me.All those times that passed by with no signs. All the things we feel alone for one another.

Only so many words that we can say...

But it's better to say too much than never to say what you need to say again.

I won't hesitate no more. I just gotta let you know.
I'm always wanting you.

Love is the answer. At least for most of the questions in my heart. I just realized. It's always better when we're together.

I really want you to really want me.
You're just the girl i'm looking for.

-(insert the now not-so-clueless boy's name here)

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